Spring Bitters for Digestion
Learn how to easily concoct non-alcoholic digestive bitters
You may have heard of bitters throughout bars and from the mouths of mixologists alike, but did you know that bitters can be made and taken to aid in digestion?
I have adapted a recipe from The Herbal Academy to incorporate a few more aromatics, and also to exclude the alcohol.
I developed an allergy to alcohol in my twenties and so this will work just as well, plus ACV has its own benefits that alcohol does not.
Orange peel
What is bitters?
Bitters is basically equal parts bitter herbs/roots like dandelion root, burdock root, and citrus peels, etc. and aromatic herbs like lavender, rose, juniper, rosemary, etc. It is usually prepared with alcohol but you can also prepare/infuse the herbs with apple cider vinegar which already has a similar effect as bitters on digestion.
Using bitters every day can greatly help you digest foods properly and help ease gastric troubles like bloating, gas, and constipation.
Take ½ teaspoons in a little water (roughly 2.5 mL) 15-20 minutes before a meal. You can work your way up to 1-2 Tbsps, but it’s best to ease into it.
What you’ll need
Quart sized mason jar
Parchment paper
A straining funnel (my favorite method) or a cheesecloth or other larger metal strainer
Additional jar or a 16-32 oz swing top bottle
Apple cider vinegar (enough to really cover the herbs) roughly 16 oz
2 Tbsp dandelion root
2 Tbsp chamomile
2 Tbsp orange peel
1 Tbsp burdock root
4 juniper berries
4-6 whole dry rose buds or a 1 Tbsp dry rose petals
In a sterilized quart sized mason jar, combine all the dried herbs and cover with about 16 oz ACV. Place parchment paper over the top of the jar before placing the lid on so as to avoid corrosion or rust. Once tightly covered, shake the herbs well and store in a dark and cool area to infuse for about 3 weeks or so. Shake the concoction daily or every couple of days.
When your herbs are finished infusing, strain into another sterilized jar or swing top bottle (swing top bottles are my preferred storage) and you’re all set to go! This will keep for about 3 months; no refrigeration. Again, take ½ tsp diluted in a little water, about 15-20 minutes before a meal, eventually working your way up to 2 Tbsps if desired.
I am always so grateful that plants can help support our health; so a friendly reminder to please compost when you’re done.
I hope you enjoy this completely approachable and fun project to try in your kitchen and I hope you benefit in the ritual of consuming these bitters before meals!
I am grateful that I have really easy access to bulk herbs, funnels, and swing top bottles in person but I realize some folks don’t, so below I am including some links:
Herbs: Mountain Rose Herbs or Frontier
Using plants has always been intuitive for me but I learn a lot from The Herbal Academy, other herbalist friends, and I hope to continue studies as time and finances permit.
Thanks for reading and be well, my friends!